Wednesday, September 24, 2008


This chocolate covered strawberry looks delicious! The chocolate is dripping of the fully ripe strawberry like a drop of water on a sunny winter day. The shine of this strawberry is as shiny as a new BMW. The stem is what throws this picture off from being the "perfect" chocolate covered strawberry picture. The leaves just don't lay perfectly on the strawberry. They are this way and that and not the "perfect" green color. But other then that this picture is heaven in a fruit treat. I can smell the chocolate from just looking at it. I can also smell the fresh smell of garden grown strawberries. I can practically taste the explosion of juice coming out of the strawberry as if I just took a bite out of it. The seeds on this strawberry just make this look even more yummy. The way they glow from the angle of this camera shot makes me want to go upstairs and make this delicious desert for myself. I know that I will never get my chocolate covered strawberry to look quite as good, but maybe I could get a strawberry with better leaves. I need to go now for I am getting myself way to hungry!

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