Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Now kindergartners, pay attention. This creature you see here is a dog. Everyone spell out dog. D-O-G. This dog has very long arms and legs. Can everyone spell arm with me? A-R-M. Very good class! Now spell leg L-E-G. This dog is sleeping on a couch. This dog has light brown fur and a black nose. This dog is sleeping very oddly. Most dogs do not sleep with there back legs in between there front legs. But this dog is very funny. Everyone spell funny with me now... F-U-N-N-Y. Excellent work class, see you next time!

Guys, look at this dog! Isn't it crazy looking? I'll tell ya.. things you can find on the internet these days just amazes me! Do you think this picture is real? I mean look at his legs, why are they like that! Poor dog can't be comfortable! I'd be embarrassed if I was this dogs owner, I wouldn't want to raise a freak dog! And also this dog is ugly... an ugly, weird, long legged dog... Ah, things on the internet.


Shiny-sama said...

The one with the kindergartners was EXTREMELY easy to understand, and I really enjoyed that. You made it extremely simplistic and such, something that little kids can understand. However, there was a bit of a word-mix up here and there and such, like "there" and "their." Maybe you if fixed that a little, you'd be fine.

As for the one with the teenagers, I giggled quite a bit. Eh, a little bit on the grammatical side of things, but I don't think I can complain that badly. This is the internet, so different rules apply. Although I completely agree- who the heck would want to have a dog that ugly, if that really is a dog? Ew. So disgusting. Those look like exceedingly long legs, as well. UGLY DOG.

Scrappy Coco said...

I like the kindergarden one it was funny how you used the picture to teach the class how to spell multiple words that was very unique.

And its the teenager one was creative you used the idea that Decker gave us for the assignment in your writing it was fun and a easy flow of reading easily understood I thing you did a great job on both but the kindergarden was my favorite